Why we believe Generative AI and Video will 10x the reach of Qualitative Research


Change is no longer constant. It’s accelerating.

We can all feel it. It seems like every week there is something new we need to get up to speed on.

This is the result of a decade of digital transformation which was accelerated by the pandemic and is now being sent into warp speed by Generative AI. In a context of exponential change, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for brands to keep up with the ever changing wants and needs of consumers.

Our mission is to help brands gather rich, reliable, contextual insights faster and continuously. We do this by getting brands closer to their customers so they can understand them deeper and innovate faster.

This blog details the recent platform updates that deliver on this mission.

Recent Updates to the Indeemo platform

Over the last 6 months, we've invested heavily into Generative AI and upgrading our infrastructure to help you do video research at scale. We've completely rebuilt our video backend, transforming it into a scalable infrastructure capable of handling hours of video content in a single upload. This upgrade now enables researchers to capture significantly more video data during their research.

Whether you're conducting diary studies, pre-tasking exercises, mobile ethnography projects, or customer journey mapping, our upgraded video infrastructure allows you to dive deeper into consumer experiences at scale.

Interview and Focus Group analysis

Secondly, we now enable clients to import In-depth Interviews and Focus Groups into Indeemo for storage and analysis. Clients can import video from Microsoft Teams and Zoom or they can upload long form video from their computers.

This integration empowers researchers to merge in-the-moment data captured using the Indeemo app with In-depth Interviews or Focus Groups.

This enables you to create a single, cohesive body of multimedia data captured asynchronously using our app and synchronously via Zoom or MS Teams.

You can then analyse all of this multimedia content as a single body of data to unlock deeper insights. In essence, Indeemo now serves not only as a data capture tool but also as a Generative AI powered research repository and analysis platform for all of your video content.

Speeding up Qualitative Analysis with Generative AI

One of the most exciting updates we have made to the Indeemo Platform is our integration with Generative AI. This integration provides our customers with a secure and straightforward way to tap into the capabilities of Generative AI.

We have built this in an enterprise ready manner: all of the prompts you enter and all of the results you get back from the Generative AI are owned entirely by you. Additionally, your data is NOT used to train any models. This is a pure data processing relationship.

This opens up the doors for our customers to use prompts for in-depth analysis of video transcripts, open-ended text and captions of photos. We believe it is a game-changer in terms of how efficiently researchers can now analyse qualitative data and video content at scale.

More use cases for the Indeemo platform: it’s not just for Diary Studies!

Analysis of Video Interviews and Focus Groups

With the integration of Microsoft Teams and Zoom, Indeemo has unlocked a new realm of possibilities for researchers. Historically, our platform has been known for its capabilities in diary studies, mobile ethnography, pre-tasking, journey mapping, and more, all conducted asynchronously and in the moment using our mobile app.

Now, we've taken it a step further. Indeemo now empowers researchers to analyse research interviews at scale. This means that post-study interviews, which were once a standalone process, can seamlessly be integrated with in-the-moment data captured via mobile apps. The synergy of these two data sources yields deeper insights and more comprehensive findings.

Understanding Omni-channel Purchase Journeys

We're now able to delve into understanding purchase journeys, particularly in the realm of e-commerce, by screen recording e-commerce or capturing in-store video footage. This opens up fascinating possibilities: Imagine being able to scrutinise a shopper's journey on Amazon.com. Or picture someone strolling through Walmart, capturing a video of their in-store purchases while we capture how shoppers browse and why they choose one product over another.

Video Surveys and Consumer Video Feedback

In an era where the trust in text-based data is diminishing, video feedback, customer feedback, and consumer feedback become invaluable. Generative AI ensures that video data can be trusted and swiftly analysed.

We believe that in time, open ended text survey data must all transition to video and video surveys will massively expand the reach of qual.

Generative AI enables researchers to literally have a dialogue with their data. It acts as a research assistant to do tasks such as summarisation and translation leaving researchers with more time for synthesis and strategy.
— Eugene Murphy, Founder & CEO Indeemo

Doing Qualitative Video Research at Scale with Generative AI

Video has traditionally been a challenging format to analyse due to its dense data. However, with the integration of generative AI, we've transcended these challenges. Generative AI significantly accelerates the analysis process: what previously would have taken hours for researchers to analyse can now be accomplished in a matter of minutes thanks to generative AI.

Simply put, you can now confidently analyse hundreds of hours of video at speed using generative AI.

This represents a monumental leap in time efficiency, with potential time savings ranging from 40% to a staggering 90% depending on what type of research you are conducting.

Unlocking new use cases for Qualitative Research

The efficiencies unlocked by Generative AI we believe will significantly scale the reach and application of qualitative research.

Traditionally, it would be been unthinkable to consider qualitative approaches for Segmentations and Brand Tracking. Because of the scale required to make these representative and the sheer amount of data only to analysis, these have long been the domain of quantitative research.

We believe that this is no longer true.

Video Analysis Platform

Additional Capabilities

In addition to Video Surveys, you can also do the following with Indeemo:

• Recruit Participants in hours

Recruit B2C and B2B participants in hours from a panel of 3 million+ Respondents.

• Speed up analysis with Generative AI

Use Generative AI prompts for summarisation, translation, thematic analysis, sentiment analysis etc. and reduce analysis time by at least 40%.

• Analyse Interviews and IDIs

Import your interviews from Zoom, Microsoft Teams or your computer, transcribe them in 27 languages and analyse them fast with Generative AI.

Generative AI is the biggest paradigm shift in technology that I have seen in 20 years. It is going to 10x the reach of qualitative research and in particular video research.
— Eugene Murphy, Founder & CEO, Indeemo

There are two drivers of this belief. The first is that Generative AI now makes it possible to analyse qualitative data at scale. The second: from a research perspective where anyone can prompt ChatGPT to write anything in seconds….

ChatGPT is the end of trust in text.

Why? To be able to stand over the insights and advice that researchers now deliver to their stakeholders, Researchers must be able to prove that the source of their data is real and authentic.

The only way to currently be able to do this is by moving all of your research to video.

Again, previously this would have been impossible as the analysis tools did not exist to make it financially viable to do qualitative research (not to mention video research) at quantitative scale.

Not any more.

Generative AI now makes it easy to do video research at scale.

Generative AI has massively expanded the potential of video research allowing it to expand it’s reach into previously unexplored areas, such as the Voice of Customer (VOC), Consumer Feedback, Video Surveys, Brand Tracking and even Segmentations.

With generative AI and our enhanced video capabilities, Indeemo can now support projects involving hundreds or even thousands of participants.

The possibilities for video research are vast; from analysing interviews at scale video surveys to deciphering purchase journeys and scaling video research.

We're just scratching the surface of the myriad opportunities that await qualitative researchers.

Why we believe that video is the future of Qualitative Research.

In an era where ChatGPT can output Shakespearian-esque poetry in a matter of minutes, it is becoming increasingly difficult to trust text as a source of understanding. As a result, we believe that video is the future of qualitative research.

Historically, such a statement would have been inconceivable as the amount of time it took to analyse video was immense.

Not any more.

The efficiency and scalability of video analysis that has been unlocked by Generative AI now means that it is possible to analyse video content at a speed never before possible.

Furthermore, we believe that the speed of analysis enabled by generative AI means that the number of research participants can and will increase tenfold.

Generative AI enables researcher to literally have a dialogue with their data. It acts as a research assistant to do tasks such as summarisation and translation leaving researchers with more time for synthesis and strategy.

The possibilities this unlocks are immense and as a result, we believe that Generative AI will not only speed up analysis, it will also 10x the reach of qualitative research.

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