Choosing the Right Data Collection Tool for Research Ops: How Indeemo can Help


For a Research Ops team, staying ahead of the curve is essential to ensure effective and impactful research outcomes. As researchers strive to gain deeper insights into their target audiences, tools and technologies play a pivotal role in enhancing their capabilities.

In this article, we take a look at how Indeemo can help research ops teams streamline their research by providing the right capabilities that meet their operational needs. First, as a reminder, this is the third article of a series of articles focusing specifically on research ops. If you are new to research operations, or exploring to expand your team's toolkit, the first two articles may be of interest to you and we encourage you to take a look. Those articles are:

Understanding Research Ops

Research Ops has emerged as a vital discipline within the research community. It focuses on optimising research processes, streamlining operations, and supporting researchers in their quest for actionable insights. As research activities become more complex and multidimensional, Research Ops helps ensure efficiency, scalability, and consistency across projects.

With the increasing demand for user-centric research and the proliferation of digital platforms, researchers face the challenge of capturing the nuanced behaviours and experiences of their target audience accurately. Traditional research methods such as surveys and interviews can sometimes have limitations in providing a holistic understanding of participants' real-world context and behaviours. This is where Indeemo steps in to bridge the gap and elevate the Research Ops landscape.


What is Indeemo?

Indeemo is a powerful research platform for qualitative data collection that empowers researchers to connect privately with individuals in order to gain a genuine understanding of their everyday lives and behaviours. By bridging the gap between researchers and participants, Indeemo offers a unique opportunity to obtain authentic, contextual insights, leading to more informed decision-making.

At its core, Indeemos north star is to facilitate genuine connections between researchers and research participants. This article explores how Indeemo can be seamlessly integrated into the Research Ops toolkit ecosystem, transforming the way you conduct research. to understand your customers better.

Participant Recruitment: QR Code Sign Up and Opt In Consent

Recruiting the right participants for your research studies is a critical aspect of Research Ops.

QR Code Sign Up

Indeemo can help you take participant recruitment to the next level by offering the convenience of QR codes. QR codes are scannable codes that can be easily generated and shared with potential participants. By placing QR codes in specific contexts, such as physical locations or promotional materials, researchers can recruit participants from targeted environments or events. This method is particularly useful when researchers need to capture insights from participants within specific contexts or gather data from diverse locations.

Respondents can effortlessly register for research projects by simply scanning the QR code with their smartphones. This streamlined process eliminates the need for manual data entry and simplifies the participant recruitment experience. With QR codes, researchers can efficiently connect with their target audience, ensuring a diverse and representative participant pool for their studies.


Opt in Content

Obtaining participant consent is a crucial step in any research project, ensuring ethical compliance and data protection. Indeemo simplifies the consent process with its frictionless opt-in feature, allowing researchers to seamlessly secure participant consent without the need for collecting physical signatures.

Gone are the days of collecting physical signatures on consent forms. Indeemo offers a modern and digital solution that eliminates the need for cumbersome paperwork. With the frictionless opt-in process, participants can provide their consent digitally, simplifying the administrative burden for both researchers and participants.

The frictionless opt-in process in Indeemo ensures a seamless registration experience for participants, resulting in higher registration rates. By removing the barriers associated with traditional consent methods, such as printing, signing, and scanning documents, participants are more likely to complete the registration process without hesitation.

Our opt-in process ensures that only participants who accept your terms can register for your research project. This feature offers researchers an added layer of control and assurance, ensuring that participants are fully aware of the study's requirements and willingly agree to participate.

Managing Respondents

When it comes to research, managing respondents is a crucial aspect of the process. Ensuring participant engagement and timely completion of tasks can significantly impact the quality and success of a study. This is where Indeemo shines by offering robust respondent management capabilities that streamline the entire process.

Researchers gain valuable insights into respondent activity, allowing them to identify active participants and track progress effortlessly. At a glance, researchers can view the status of each respondent, both at a respondent and task level. This comprehensive overview provides a clear picture of who needs follow-up and who is actively contributing to the study, enabling researchers to stay on top of participant engagement.

Sending reminders to participants is made simple with Indeemo's multi-select push notification reminders. Researchers can easily send reminders to selected groups of respondents, ensuring they stay engaged and complete assigned tasks within the specified timeframe. This feature not only saves time but also helps maintain high response rates, maximising the value of the research study.

With Indeemo, managing respondent activity becomes a streamlined process, requiring only 10-20 minutes of daily attention. Researchers can allocate their time more efficiently, focusing on analysing data and deriving meaningful insights rather than getting caught up in administrative tasks.

Recruiter Login

In addition to the researcher's interface, Indeemo offers a separate recruiter login option. This feature allows researchers to subcontract the inviting and management of respondents to their designated recruiters, reducing the researcher's workload and ensuring a seamless participant recruitment process.

Anonymising Research Participants

For studies involving sensitive research, you have the added benefit of anonymous logins for respondents. This feature ensures that only the recruiter has access to the respondents' identities, preserving the privacy and confidentiality of participants. Researchers can conduct studies with utmost sensitivity, addressing ethical considerations and complying with data protection regulations.

Project Design: Choosing the Right Task

In the realm of research operations, optimising the research process and maintaining structure are paramount. Indeemo offers three distinct tasking features—All at Once Tasking, Scheduled Tasking, and Sequential Tasking—that empower researchers to effectively manage studies with specific timelines, phased research, or mission-style projects. Let's explore how these tasking methods enhance research capabilities and deliver valuable insights.

Task Type Description Useful For
All-at-Once Respondents have the freedom to complete tasks in any order and at any time, mirroring real-world behaviors and experiences. Exploratory Research by empowering respondents to share their thoughts, experiences, and interactions as they happen, providing researchers with a comprehensive and unfiltered view of participants' lives.
Scheduled Tasks can be activated or deactivated automatically based on predetermined dates and times. Diary Studies, multi-phase projects, or research initiatives with distinct time-bound activities can benefit greatly from the structured approach offered by scheduled tasking.
Sequential Tasks are unveiled progressively to participants, maintaining a precise sequence of data collection. This "Russian doll" approach to tasking is particularly effective for mission-style projects or studies that follow a specific linear sequence. Sequential tasking is especially valuable when working with rolling recruits or when participants proceed at different speeds through the tasks, ensuring a consistent research experience for all participants.

The Indeemo App: What to Expect

Indeemo offers a user-friendly and engaging research experience that resembles popular social media platforms like Instagram. With its intuitive interface and interactive features, Indeemo makes research tasks super simple and fun to use for both researchers and participants. Let's explore how Indeemo revolutionises the way tasks are completed, allowing respondents to capture photos, videos, screen recordings, or provide open-ended text responses.

Feature Description
User-Friendly Interface Resembles popular social media platforms like Instagram. Offers an intuitive and engaging research experience for both researchers and participants.
Mutimedia Data Uploads Participants can capture photos, videos, screen recordings, or provide open-ended text responses, allowing for rich and nuanced data collection. Provides deeper insights into participant behaviors, emotions, and contexts.
Video Capture Participants can easily record and submit videos ranging from 3 to 10 minutes in duration. Offers features for video compression and configurable settings. Provides visual and audio data for analyzing participant experiences.
Screen Recording Allows researchers to observe participants' digital interactions in their natural environments. Records dynamic interactions, including app interactions and website browsing, with participants' voices. Enhances understanding of digital experiences and facilitates UX improvements.
Cross-Platform Compatibility Available on both Android and iOS platforms. Offers a consistent and accessible research experience for researchers and participants using their preferred devices.

Journey Mapping Capabilities

Understanding the customer journey is crucial for designing exceptional user experiences. Indeemo offers a powerful journey mapping feature that allows researchers to explore and research journeys in context and in the moment. By automatically creating multimedia journey maps, enabling analysis through tags and notes, and facilitating effortless downloading for workshops or virtual whiteboards, Indeemo empowers researchers to gain valuable insights into the customer journey. Let's delve into the capabilities of Indeemo's journey mapping feature and how it enhances the research process.

Automatic Multimedia Journey Maps

Indeemo simplifies the journey mapping process by automatically generating multimedia journey maps for researchers. As participants engage with the research tasks and share their experiences, Indeemo captures relevant moments, creating visual representations of their journeys. These multimedia journey maps provide a comprehensive view of the customer experience, enabling researchers to identify key touch points, pain points, and opportunities for improvement.

The inclusion of multimedia elements such as photos, videos, screen recordings, and open-ended text responses in the journey maps adds richness and context to the visual representation. This visual storytelling enables researchers to immerse themselves in the customer journey, gaining deeper insights into the emotions, behaviours, and motivations that shape the overall experience.

Tagging Journey maps

Indeemo's journey mapping feature allows researchers to add tags and notes to journey maps, facilitating analysis and enrichment. By applying relevant tags to specific moments or touch points within the journey, researchers can categorise and organise the data, making it easier to identify patterns and themes. Tags provide a powerful tool for aggregating and analysing data across multiple participants and journeys, uncovering insights that can drive strategic decision-making.

Effortless Downloading for Workshops and Virtual Whiteboards

Indeemo understands the collaborative nature of research and provides researchers with the flexibility to share and present journey maps effortlessly. The journey maps generated in Indeemo can be easily downloaded for use in workshops, presentations, or virtual whiteboard sessions. This feature enables researchers to effectively communicate research findings and engage stakeholders in discussions around the customer journey.

Experience Graph Capabilities

When it comes to auditing known experiences or adding context to net promoter scores, Indeemo's experience graph capability offers a powerful tool for uncovering valuable insights. Unlike the journey map feature, which focuses on visualising the customer journey, the experience graph is designed to analyse and understand the in-the-moment experiences of respondents.

By capturing milestones, calculating average ratings at each touchpoint, and providing contextual understanding, the experience graph empowers researchers to delve into the factors that shape positive or negative experiences.

The experience graph feature is specifically designed for auditing existing experiences or adding context to net promoter scores. If you have a known experience that requires evaluation or if you want to delve deeper into the factors influencing customer perceptions, the experience graph becomes a valuable tool in your research arsenal.

Unlocking Insights with the Indeemo Researcher Dashboard

Once data has been collected, the next step is analysis. Indeemo provides researchers with a range of tools and features within the Researcher Dashboard to facilitate efficient and insightful data analysis. From coding information into themes and concepts using tags to automated keyword analysis, the Researcher Dashboard empowers researchers to uncover meaningful patterns and trends.


Coding Data with Tags for Thematic and Concept Analysis

Indeemo's Researcher Dashboard allows researchers to apply tags to the collected data, enabling them to code information into themes and concepts. By categorising data using tags, researchers can organise and structure the information, making it easier to identify patterns and analyse specific topics or areas of interest. This tagging functionality provides a flexible and customisable approach to data analysis, allowing researchers to extract relevant insights from the vast amount of collected data.


Automated Keyword Analysis and Video Transcripts

To provide further assistance in data analysis, the Indeemo Researcher Dashboard offers automated keyword analysis. This feature continuously monitors the data and identifies trending keywords within searches conducted at the project level, for specific respondents, or for particular tasks. The keyword analysis feature works on both written text and video transcripts, transforming video content into a searchable word cloud.


Turning Video into Searchable Word Clouds

One of the unique features of the Indeemo Researcher Dashboard is its ability to turn video content into searchable word clouds. This functionality overcomes the challenge of analysing large volumes of video data by transforming spoken words in videos into text-based representations. The word clouds visually display the frequency and prominence of specific terms, allowing researchers to quickly identify common themes or topics within the videos.

By making video content searchable, Indeemo provides researchers with a powerful tool to analyse and extract insights from visual and auditory data. This capability goes beyond traditional video analysis methods, enabling researchers to uncover valuable findings in a more efficient and systematic manner.


Data Ownership and Knowledge Transfer with Indeemo

In research operations, data ownership and the ability to transfer knowledge are essential considerations when selecting a data collection tool. Indeemo recognises the significance of these requirements and provides a framework where research operations teams maintain full ownership of the data collected through the Indeemo app. Let's delve into how Indeemo ensures that you, as the research team, are the data owner and have control over the collected data.

Data Processor Role of Indeemo

As a data collection platform, Indeemo operates as a data processor. This means that Indeemo processes the data on behalf of the research operations team, acting as a trusted partner in facilitating data collection activities. Indeemo is committed to maintaining the privacy, security, and integrity of the data as outlined in the data processing agreements and terms of service.

Data Ownership Rests with Research Ops Teams

When using Indeemo for data collection, the ownership of the data resides entirely with the research operations team. Indeemo does not claim any rights or ownership over the data collected through the app. This ensures that research operations teams have full control and authority over how the data is used, analysed, and stored.

Knowledge Transfer and Data Export

Indeemo facilitates easy knowledge transfer and data export, allowing research operations teams to extract insights and share findings seamlessly. The Indeemo Researcher Dashboard provides tools for data analysis, visualisation, and reporting, enabling researchers to gain valuable insights from the collected data. Researchers can export data, including text responses, metadata, and multimedia files, in widely-used formats such as Excel, Word, or PDF, ensuring compatibility with other analysis tools and easy integration into research reports or presentations.

Ensuring Top Security and Privacy Measures with Indeemo

When it comes to research operations, data security and privacy are of paramount importance. Indeemo understands the critical need to protect sensitive information and has implemented robust measures to ensure the highest level of security. Let's explore how Indeemo safeguards data privacy and maintains top security standards.

ISO27001 Certified Information Security

Indeemo holds the ISO27001 certification, which is globally recognised for information security management. This certification demonstrates Indeemo's commitment to implementing and maintaining rigorous security controls to protect data against unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. By adhering to the ISO27001 standards, Indeemo ensures that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of research data are consistently upheld.

HIPAA Certified for Healthcare Research

For researchers in the healthcare domain, Indeemo provides an added layer of protection through HIPAA certification. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) sets standards for the security and privacy of protected health information (PHI). By obtaining HIPAA certification, Indeemo meets the stringent requirements necessary for handling sensitive healthcare data. This certification assures researchers that Indeemo has the necessary safeguards in place to protect the privacy and security of personal health information collected during healthcare research studies.

Data Encryption and Access Controls

Indeemo employs industry-standard encryption protocols to safeguard data both in transit and at rest. This ensures that data is protected during transmission over networks and while stored on secure servers. Additionally, access to data is tightly controlled, and only authorised individuals have permission to view or interact with the research data. Indeemo maintains strict access controls, including role-based access permissions, to prevent unauthorised access and maintain data integrity.

Compliance with Data Protection Regulations

Indeemo is fully committed to complying with relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. GDPR establishes strict guidelines for the collection, storage, and processing of personal data, and Indeemo ensures that these requirements are met to safeguard the privacy and rights of research participants. By adhering to these regulations, Indeemo provides researchers with the peace of mind that data privacy is prioritised throughout the research process.

Data Retention and Deletion Policies

Indeemo follows transparent data retention and deletion policies to ensure that data is retained only for the necessary duration. Research data is securely stored for the specified period required for analysis and reporting. After this period, data is securely and permanently deleted from Indeemo's systems, in accordance with data protection regulations and the researcher's specific requirements.

With ISO27001 certification for information security and HIPAA certification for healthcare research, Indeemo demonstrates its commitment to data security and privacy. Through robust data encryption, access controls, compliance with data protection regulations, transparent retention and deletion policies, and continuous monitoring, Indeemo provides researchers with a secure platform for conducting their studies.

By choosing Indeemo as a data collection tool, research operations can be confident in their ability to protect sensitive information and uphold the highest standards of data security and privacy throughout the research process.

Empowering Research Ops with Indeemo - Let us Support your Next Project

In the world of research operations, having the right tools and technologies can make all the difference in driving impactful insights and enhancing the research process. Throughout this blog, we have explored the capabilities and features of Indeemo, a powerful data collection platform that seamlessly integrates into the research ops toolkit ecosystem. Let's recap the key highlights and understand how Indeemo empowers research ops teams to conduct efficient, insightful, and secure research studies.

If the above approach resonates with your research objectives, please get in touch and we can set up a call with one of our Strategists to discuss your own specific requirements. 

Indeemo is available as a self service platform under annual licence. By combining our strategic advice with a self service SaaS platform, we give you the ability to benefit from our expertise while being completely autonomous and agile. 

As the rate of change continues to increase, the need to stay both constantly connected with your users and customers AND be able to assign tasks / activities / questions at speed is paramount. Indeemo allows you to achieve both of these objectives in a way that is intuitive and personal enabling you to truly build a deeper connection with your target audience and their ever changing needs.


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